Origin Story

Dimitri's odyssey in the realm of digital marketing began in the year 2000, delving into the intricate world of graphic design and web development. Armed with creativity and an insatiable curiosity, he honed his skills, transforming mere pixels into compelling visual narratives and seamlessly functional websites. With each project, Dimitri delved deeper, navigating the evolving digital landscape with an unmatched passion.

In the following years, his expertise burgeoned. He not only grasped the nuances of search engine algorithms but also mastered the art of crafting engaging content that resonated with audiences. His dedication led him to explore the uncharted territories of social media marketing, where he adeptly transformed followers into loyal brand advocates.

But Dimitri's journey took an extraordinary turn when he joined forces with one of the top programmers in the digital marketing and lead generation space. Together, they founded a groundbreaking company that defied industry norms. This company would pioneer a revolutionary approach, converting every visitor and every search into leads with an unprecedented 100% conversion rate. This achievement was not merely exceptional; it was unheard of, marking the first of its kind in the industry.

Through relentless perseverance and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Dimitri, along with his visionary partner, had disrupted the digital marketing landscape. Clients flocked, eager to witness the magic firsthand. The company's innovative methodology became the gold standard, setting a new paradigm for lead generation in the digital age.

Dimitri and his team enlisted 30 companies as beta testers, and the outcomes were beyond belief—not for Dimitri and his team, though. The 30 companies were in for an incredibly positive surprise. Each one of them witnessed an astounding 100% visitor-to-lead conversion rate, marking a groundbreaking achievement in the industry. Then things got even more interesting when they introduced 100% STL Conversion Rate ™️. The STL program revolutionized lead generation, again. Now, a business could instantly capture a lead from every single Google search, a groundbreaking feat in the marketing landscape.

By 2023, Dimitri had not only become a digital marketing luminary but also a trailblazer who, with his exceptional team, had rewritten the rules of the game. In Q4 of 2023, they officially launched the company Clik360. Their unparalleled 100% conversion rate was not just a statistic; it was a testament to Dimitri's journey, transforming challenges into triumphs and pixels into unparalleled prominence.

Side note: All 30 companies (beta-testers) have remained as full-time clients!

"When it comes to lead generation,

Clik360 didn’t change the game... 

they ended it!"

Charles S.
Financial Wealth Advisor

Clik360 enables you to increase your profit potential:

  • With a significant increase in leads, often exceeding 10x, and technically limitless.

  • Lowers current lead cost by an average of 90%
  • Gives your business complete exclusivity on those leads.

  • Delivers leads rapidly, typically within 30 seconds.

  • Ensures that all leads have buyer intent based on your specifications.

I want to invite you to go on this journey with us, and let us go with you.

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