Frequently Asked Questions

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Do you offer leads for auto dealers only?

Our journey began in the realm of lead generation, exclusively catering to auto dealerships. With remarkable and sustained achievements, we've expanded our horizons, currently beta testing across various sectors with unparalleled triumph, boasting a remarkable 100% conversion rate from visitors to leads and unlimited leads from Google searches that meet your requested criteria. Schedule a commitment-free 20-minute phone call, and we’ll delve into all the intricacies.

How many leads could I get?

As many as you require. Our clientele ranges from those managing 100 leads monthly to well over 1,000. The key consideration lies in your capacity to handle leads promptly and with top-notch support. Bear in mind, these leads are incredibly fresh—less than 30 seconds old—with clear buyer intent. It's paramount not to let these valuable opportunities slip away.

Can I customize the frequency of leads I receive?

Certainly. You have the flexibility to choose the frequency of lead delivery based on your capacity and business requirements, ensuring you receive leads when you need them the most.

How fresh/new are these leads?

As mentioned earlier, these leads are incredibly fresh, not even 30 seconds old. In fact, some are less than five seconds old, emphasizing the urgency and vitality of these prospects.

Are these leads exclusive?

Absolutely. Rest assured, the leads we secure for you are exclusively yours—they will never be shared or sold to any other entity. Your exclusivity is our commitment.

Can I receive leads in real-time for immediate follow-up?

Absolutely. We offer real-time lead delivery services, ensuring you receive leads as soon as they are generated. This enables you to promptly engage with potential customers and maximize conversion opportunities.

Is there a contract involved?

Absolutely not. We don’t bind you with contracts. Your commitment is as flexible as you need it to be. Pay only for the leads you require, and you can cancel or pause anytime at your convenience.

Are there any hidden fees or extra charges associated with your leads?

No, we are transparent with our pricing. There are no hidden fees or unexpected charges. You only pay for the leads you purchase, and our pricing structure is straightforward and clear.

Can I target leads based on specific demographics or locations?

Absolutely. We offer targeted lead generation services, allowing you to specify locations (city, state, and/or zip), and based on search terms of your choice to ensure you receive leads that align with your ideal customer profile.

How do you ensure the quality of your leads?

We employ an advanced proprietary filtering and verification process. Our system verifies each lead's authenticity and intent, ensuring you receive high-quality, actionable leads that have a genuine interest in your offerings.

What is the average conversion rate for the leads you provide?

VTL stands for visitor to lead. it breaks down like this. Every visitor that comes to your site is not necessarily a lead. In fact the industry average is 2-3%. That means that for every 100 visitors to your site, you get 2-3 leads. With our proprietary method, for every 100 visitors, you get 100 leads... With no additional ad spend. It's a complete game changer.

So, what's the 100% VTL Conversion Rate that you promote?

Conversion rates can vary based on industry and approach. We provide high-quality, buyer intent leads, but your specific conversion rate will depend on your sales strategy, product/service quality, and customer engagement methods.

Do you only get leads from site visitors?

No. In fact we have 2 methods of lead generation.

1.) Turn every visitor (on your site) into a lead. And 

2.) Every Google search is an automatic lead (based on your keyword and location criteria).

Grab this PDF which explains everything and then book a call for more info.

Can I get samples of the leads before making a purchase?

We understand the importance of evaluating the quality of leads. While we can't provide sample leads for your review, we do offer a 20% increase of leads on your first month. Example: If you order 500 leads in your first month, we will deliver 600 leads.

Do I have to increase my ad spend?

Absolutely not. Your ad spend has no correlation with our implementation and efforts. For example: Let's say that you are currently spending $4,000 a month in marketing, ads, and/or promotional spending each month, and that $4,000 brings in 400 visitors to your site, which results in 18 leads. We would just implement our proprietary method VTL Conversion Rate ™️ and turn all 400 visitors into 400 leads.

What if I already have a marketing team?

Kindly recognize that we pose no threat to your existing marketing team or initiatives. Our intention is not to substitute any member of your team; we have no interest in taking over your marketing responsibilities. Instead, our purpose is to enhance your current efforts and elevate your outcomes. We are here solely to augment your existing strategies and deliver improved results; nothing more, nothing less.

How long does it take to set up and start receiving leads after I sign up?

The setup process is swift. Once you sign up and specify your requirements, we can start delivering leads to you within a short timeframe, ensuring you can begin your outreach efforts promptly.

What happens if I want to adjust my lead preferences or criteria?

You have the flexibility to adjust your lead preferences at any time. Whether you want to change keywords, locations, frequency, or other criteria, simply inform us, and we will tailor the leads according to your updated specifications. NEW Update: You will even have your own back office access to change your lead preferences stated above, pause current campaigns, start new ones, and anything else you like one demand.

How do I cancel my subscription or stop receiving leads if needed?

Cancelling your subscription is hassle-free. You can contact our customer support team or access your online account portal to manage your subscription. There are no long-term commitments, allowing you to stop receiving leads whenever you choose.

Is there a minimum or maximum number of leads I can purchase?

There are no strict minimum or maximum limits. Whether you need a handful of leads or a large volume, we can accommodate your requirements, ensuring you have the necessary leads to fuel your business growth. And with our leads ranking as the #1 most cost-effective in the industry, the overall cost further diminishes with increased lead volume.

Grab the free pdf and/or book a call

Feel free to download the free pdf below, which goes into further detail about our 2 programs, along with testimonials, case studies, and a full overview of how it all works. Also, feel free to book a no-obligation discovery call where we'll discuss all your options and explore all the opportunities.

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