Why CliK360?

Cost and competition

The cost of leads can vary widely based on several factors, including the industry, target audience, geographic location, advertising platform, and the quality of leads being sought. As an example. Leads for attorneys can range from $30 to over $1,000 per lead (mesothelioma); an auto dealership's cost per lead is $295, based on a national average conducted in October of 2023. There is no fixed or universal cost for leads, as it depends on the specific goals and requirements of a business's marketing campaign. Until now. With Clik360, your high-engagement, fresh, cost-effective leads have a fixed cost that's sometimes over 95% lower than current or traditional lead costs.

Poor performance

All companies currently have 2 major issues with generating leads. 1) Cost, which we covered above. And 2) Poor performance. This poor performance stems from both ads (across all platforms) and visitors to site. Whether you spend money to bring visitors to your site or whether they come from a free source, the conversion rate from that visitor becoming a lead is very poor at 1-3%.

We asked Google:

Visitor-to-lead conversion rate for all industries

Googles response:

. . . the average rate is around 2.35 percent among all industries.  -  Sep 28, 2023

  • Real estate industry 0.4% to 12%
  • the legal sector tends to see a 2.6% conversion rate. . . top 10% of site in the legal industry have an average 6.46% conversion rate
  • visitor-to-lead conversion rate for dentists . . . between 3% to 5%
  • visitor-to-lead conversion rate for HVAC . . . between 2% to 5%
  • average mortgage lead conversion rate? . . . between 2% to 5% 
  • commonly accepted average conversion rate for web leads in the automotive vertical is around 1.5%

Source: for data provided above: Google search

Clik360's VTL and STL conversion rate across ALL industries - 100%

What are VTL and STL?

These are our 2 core proprietary programs. VTL Conversion Rate™ and VTL Conversion Rate™. VTL is visitor-to-lead and STL is search-to-lead. Both achieve an industry-leading 100% conversion rate, surpassing current industry standards by an impressive margin ranging from 1,900% to 9,900%.

VERY Important!

Kindly recognize that we pose no threat to your existing marketing team or initiatives. Our intention is not to substitute any member of your team; we have no interest in taking over your marketing responsibilities. Instead, our purpose is to enhance your current efforts and elevate your outcomes. We are here solely to augment your existing strategies and deliver improved results—nothing more, nothing less.

If you'd like a no-obligation discovery call where we can discuss all your options and explore all the opportunities, feel free to schedule your call here. You can also download a free pdf with a complete overview.

Grab the free pdf and/or book a call

Feel free to download the free pdf below, which goes into further detail about our 2 programs, along with testimonials, case studies, and a full overview of how it all works. Also, feel free to book a no-obligation discovery call where we'll discuss all your options and explore all the opportunities.

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